H180E S Hydraulic Hammer with wear package



Technical Specifications
Benefits and Features

The H180E S wear package hammer is a valuable asset in quarries and bridge demolition, as well as the largest-scale demolition projects. The additional factory installed wear package keeps you productive, while protecting your investments.

Impact Energy Class 12000 ft·lbf
Blows per Minute 275-450
Maximum Operating Pressure 2321 psi
Minimum Operating Pressure 2176 psi
Minimum Carrier Weight 92600 lb
Maximum Carrier Weight 167600 lb
Maximum Rated Flow 79 gal/min
Minimum Operating Weight 8798 lb
Minimum Rated Flow 58 gal/min
Maximum Operating Weight 9570 lb
Tool Shaft Diameter 7.07 in

Focus on Your Business, Not Your Hammer

You don't need to be a hammer expert as our expertise is on call for you. Built-in features like automatic shut-off protect your equipment from poor operation techniques or the occasional mistake. Internal buffering and integral silencing keeps the noise and power on the job, and out of the cab. If you can run an excavator, you can run a Cat hammer like a pro.

Spend Less Time on Maintenance

Daily greasing is a snap, with one basic point at a convenient height. With the addition of a Cat autolube, the hammer is greased while it runs – not just saving you time, but protecting your investment. Rotate or change the bushing in less than an hour. Gas checks are annual, and quickly accomplished without dismounting the hammer. You can do this yourself… or your Cat dealer can provide comprehensive support on your schedule.

Upgrade to Meet Your Needs

Add a hammer-mounted autolube system to simplify maintenance and improve reliability on more than just a single machine, making it an ideal choice for large production or demolition companies and rental fleets.

Beyond Your Purchase

Want to learn more about your hammer? Operating and maintenance videos are available online or through your local Cat dealer. Working away from home? Not a problem. Be confident no matter where your job takes you as the global network of Cat dealer is there with not only equipment support and service, but also with the hammer parts and service you may need as well. No other manufacturer can offer you the same.

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