Lexington Area Solid Waste
Category: Customer Success Stories
Good relationships stand the test of time. One of our goals at NMC Cat is to build strong relationships with customers through quality equipment, excellent service and reliable support. Ann Eggleston is a testimony to this kind of relationship. Ann has been with Lexington Area Solid Waste for over 15 years and has always worked with NMC.
She has preferred CAT equipment over the duration of her career at a governmental entity. This preference has lead Ann to utilize an 826 compactor, 972 loader, scrapers and dozers, all from NMC. She truly feels that CAT always has the better product.
Beyond the products, Ann knows she can rely on NMC for maintenance. Ann states that NMC’s technicians and representatives are always available and close by to keep her operations running smoothly.
The Trimble technology from SITECH MidPlains that Ann uses at the landfill aids in their efficient operations. “Sitech technology is very beneficial for Lexington Area Solid Waste operations.” “Sitech can locate and pinpoint where trash is for the day making it very useful.” The combination of technology, machines, and service help Ann work more effectively and efficiently.