Endicott Clay
Endicott Clay has been manufacturing quality brick since 1920. Today, Endicott is a nationally recognized brick, thin brick, paver, and tile manufacturer that supplies products through hundreds of distributors and precasters throughout the United States and Canada. Operations are focused primarily on architectural work for high-end commercial and institutional building applications.
“The life blood of the company is clay,” said Ryan Parker, President & CEO of Endicott Clay.
To get the clay, the company uses equipment from NMC; however, the relationship with NMC goes beyond the machines. Endicott relies on the dependability and service provided by NMC.
“We have such a great working relationship with NMC; it’s such a great company to do business with – NMC is certainly a partner of Endicott’s,” said Parker.
For more, check out the Endicott Clay testimonial video.